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Suzhou Kelinyuan Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in 2007, specializing in the research and development and manufacturing of precision testing instruments and equipment. It is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to providing solutions to testing problems in the electronics industry. Our self-developed lC carrier plate testing instruments, wafer microneedle testing machines, high-precision lC carrier plate testing machines, and semiconductor testing probes have filled the gap in the domestic market! 
Suzhou Kelinyuan was established
Vietnam Colin Yuan Established
Settling in Suzhou University Industrial Park
Suzhou Kexin was established
Develop and manufacture high-precision testing equipment
High precision testing instrum…

Provide testing technology and automated testing solutions for FPC/PCB/IC carrier boards for consumer electronics and automotive electronics.

01/ 03
Semiconductor Testing Probe Ca…
Collaborated with VP Company in the United States in 2021
V-Probes Holdings Co., Ltd. on
Established in Santa Clara, California in 2007, we provide probe card design and manufacturing services to major semiconductor companies worldwide.
(Main service customers: Intel, Micron, Qualcomm, Infineon, etc.)
02/ 03
High Precision Testing Equipme…
Independently developed high-precision testing equipment such as IC board testing machines and semiconductor testing probe benches
03/ 03
High precision testing instrum…
Semiconductor Testing Probe Ca…
High Precision Testing Equipme…
Processing Equipment
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